Sunday 9 August 2009

Remember Michael Jackson

Im sorry If some of you are getting annoyed with my Michael Jackson updates, but he really meant something to me.
If I could describe his sudden death In one word, It would be 'surreal.' I didnt believe It at first. It was like I was In a dream. And the feeling? 'Heartbreaking.' You know like when youre on a roller coaster and you have that sinking feeling? Mine was like that, but worse.
It was horrible. I literally felt my heart sink.
I want you to remember the messages he sent through his lyrics, through his dance, and through his speeches.
See this amazing blog ( I felt like crying sometimes, especially when I read Michaels lyics.
I am proud to have lived during (some of) the era of Michael Jackson. Dont ever forget him, thats my only request. Thanks.

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